Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's been a while but...

Well, well. It's been a very long time since mommy and daddy had posted anything about me. So I figured I'd do it myself he he! (they are sleeping and I hid their computer under my crib...shhhhh don't tell on me :-) ) So what has been going on in my life lately...hmmmm. I still love my daycare, I'm learning so many things! Ring around the Rosy and Row, Row, Row your Boat are songs I sing all the time. My favorite book is my Dora the Explorer book that I got as a gift. Mommy and daddy have been taking me swimming, which I love! Hmmm what else....I turned 17 mos the other day and my temper tantrums are getting worse. The rents dont like them so much and they dont give in, so Ill save them for grandpa and grandma. I am running at full steam and I'm learning to skip. I say please and thank you (cause I am a polite monkey) and I love being outside. Oh, poo. Here they come, I'll write more later.......



Monkey by day..frog by night


Tash in the tub