Monday, April 21, 2008

Tash in full effect..

Well since I failed horribly at adding a slide show (it looked and functioned even worse), I'll just add a nice boring text post....but those are fun too, right? Tash is amazing, she is getting around like a pro and just on the fringe of running. She's found a new love with the word "cookie" and wants either an animal cracker or a cracker each time that she says that word. She doesn't like it so much when she doesn't receive said cookie...but 2 seconds later she's doing something else, totally forgetting what she was upset about.

Vocabulary update!!!!

Tash has learned the word "ca-ca" and actually tells us when she has laid a little brown.

Music update!!!!

Much to our enjoyment, our little monkey likes to headbang to some of our favorite bands! Especially NOFX, No Use for a Name and to her daddy's band Catch 22. It is the cutiest/funniest thing ever to look in the rear-view mirror and see her rocking out in her car seat. Once again, coolest baby ever.

Pics soon to follow. Stay Tuned.

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Monkey by day..frog by night


Tash in the tub